Howard Watch Serial Numbers and Production Dates Total Production: Approx. 120,000 Watches Howard serial numbers are a bit different than some of the other American manufacturers, in that they could have multiple production 'runs' going on at the same time, using different series of serial numbers.
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The information in thisdatabase has been extracted from twenty original E. Howard Watch Factoryrecord books generously donated to the Smithsonian Institution by Mr. DanaBlackwell. Mr. Blackwell was employed by the E. Howard Watch Co. andmanaged to save the record books from destruction. The record books areavailable to researchers by appointment in the Archives Center at the NationalMuseum of American History.
The data found here wasrecorded by hand and transferred to an electronic database by Robert G. (Bob)Rolfe. This required a tremendous amount of time and effort on the partof Mr. Rolfe and we are all indebted to him for both his sense of volunteerismand for the excellent work he has produced. A much smaller amount of workwas provided by myself in the editing, formatting and web enabling of thedatabase. Bob and I are both members of the National Association of Watch & ClockCollectors, the NAWCC Special Interest Group Chapter 149, The Early American Watch Club, and the Washington, DC,chapter of the NAWCC, Chapter 12. We are joined and supported by JonHanson and the members of the Chapter 149 Howard Club to further preserve theoriginal record books, to provide horological information and education to thegeneral public, and to continue to improve on the data associated with thesefactory records through the addition of more original sales data, and otheroriginal E. Howard watch data where available.
Note that the factory recordsavailable to us start at movement No. 3,301. The notations andabbreviations found here are generally those found in the original handwrittenrecords. See the provided legend for notes on the use of abbreviations inthe database. Click on a range of Serial Numbers to see the list of data:
Dave Chaplain
Data in the'Size' column is essentially as it appears in the originalhandwritten records with the exception that parentheses have been added toindicate that the data contained within only applies to part of thegroup. Where movements were adjusted, the adjusters name sometimesappears in the records. The abbreviation “Adj” has been added within the'Size' column to indicate adjustment to 'heat & cold',or to 'heat, cold and position' as originally recorded. Inother records this has been detailed in the 'Notes' column.
Grade indicationsare absent in the earliest numbers. Later grades are indicated byprice, and still later grade numbers were provided in the records.
Abbreviations used:
' * ' - Potential additional data tobe added at a later date
E Howard Watch Serial Numbers Hamilton
Adj - Adjusted (added whenimplied by inclusion of the named adjuster)
Chro Bal- Chronometer Balance
D of S - Date of Sale
H & C - Adjusted to Heat & Cold
H,C & P - Adjusted to Heat, Cold & Position
KW - Key Wind
Movt - Movement
NGL - No Grade Listed
Pat Reg - Patent Regulator
Rayed - Rayed Damaskeening
Set, SJ - Set Jewels
SW - Stem Wind
Also note that theterms 'No Data' and 'Not Used' are both used to describe aserial number, or range of serial numbers, that are not found in the records.
Howard Pocket Watches Antique Value
![E howard pocket watch movements E howard pocket watch movements](
Bob Rolfe